Worship with Us
People with COVID vaccinations do not need to wear a face mask, but unvaccinated people are asked to wear a face mask.
Besides our regular Sunday worship, we have special services and activities during the Lenten season leading up to Easter and the Advent season leading to Christmas, Church Music Sunday, an outdoor service on Easter at sunrise, another in early June (followed by a picnic), two Youth Sundays led by the young people in the church.
What to Expect
You will be welcomed by a greeter who will be able to answer any questions you might have or find someone who can answer them.
You will receive a bulletin which has the program for the worship service, as well as announcements for the congregation. Hymnals and Bibles are available in each of the pews as well as comment cards and offering envelopes. Everyone is asked to sign the attendance pad.
Here at St. Luke’s we kneel for prayer, but those not comfortable with this tradition are welcome to remain seated and bow their hearts in prayer.
In case of inclement weather, a notice will be posted on this web site and on our Facebook page, and an announcement will be made on WGAL TV-8.
Sunday School for All Ages
From September to June, at 9:00 am on Sunday, we offer Sunday School classes for preschoolers, elementary students, youth, and adults. During the summer, Sunday School for preschoolers, elementary students and youth is at 9:30. A nursery for children up to three years of age is also available while Sunday School is meeting and also year-round during the worship service.
From September to June, our Sunday worship service starts at 10:30 am, and during the summer they start at 9:30 am. (Check the calendar for the specific date for the changeover.) The service includes responsive readings, hymns, special choir or instrumental music, Bible readings, and a sermon based on one of the Bible readings. At least once a month, we observe Holy Communion, which is open to all who profess a faith in Jesus Christ.
Our members have a number of ways to more actively participate in the services, by acting as lay readers (liturgists), serving as ushers and communion ushers, and singing in our choir, or by joining the hand bell choir.
Upcoming Worship Services
Genesis 45:3-11, 15; Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38